Hans WatermanNaar de website van Hans Waterman

Drumsolo - 35 jaar te laat naar bed

Auteur(s): Waterman, H.

Uitvoering: paperback, 192 pagina's

ISBN: 9020400827

Prijs: fl. 35,26

Uitgeverij: L.J. Veen

Als in oktober 1999 de legendarische Nederlandse band Q65 nieuw leven wordt ingeblazen, is drummer Hans Waterman erbij.

Waterman heeft op dat moment al een schitterende rock-‘n-roll carričre achter de rug. Hij drumde als zestienjarige in de al even legendarische Cuby and the Blizzards en maakte deel uit van Solution, de band van Jan Akkerman en de Engelse band The Pretty Things.
Met Q65 lijkt hij in 1999 wederom te gaan horen bij de grote namen uit de Nederlandse popmuziek, maar voordat ze opnieuw geschiedenis kunnen schrijven, krijgt Wim Bieler een hartstilstand.

De dood van Bieler is voor Hans Waterman mede de aanleiding om Drumsolo te schrijven. Niet alleen om zijn eigen muziekgeschiedenis vast te leggen, maar ook om woorden te vinden voor een tijd die buitengewoon heftig was.

Hans Waterman is niet alleen een uitstekend drummer met een grote staat van dienst, hij is ook een schrijver met soul. Dat laat hij zien in Drumsolo, waarin hij met gevoel voor veelbetekende details zowel over zijn eigen rock-‘n-roll-leven schrijft, als over de hoogtijdagen van de Nederlandse popmuziek.

Bezoek ook de website van Hans Waterman door op de foto te klikken

interview klik hier voor een interview met Han Nijenhuis

Biografie (english)             

Hans Waterman started to play drums at the age of 15 years. In 1965 he joined the legendary Dutch R&B band Cuby and the Blizzards. This group was very famous in Holland. They played in session with a.o. Van Morisson, John Mayall, Eddy Boyd and Alexis Korner.

After the Blizzards period Waterman in 1969 started playing with Solution, in Holland a leading symphonic rockband during the seventies. Most significant in this band’s 15 years’ history, was the fact that they were signed by Elton John’s Rocket Records label. Two albums were recorded with Elton’s producer Gus Dudgeon. A last studio recording with former Traffic drummer Jim Capaldi marked their farewell from the scene in 1983. The last tour was recorded on a final ‘Live Highlights’ album.

From 1983 till 1986, Hans Waterman was a driving force with the Jan Akkerman Band and participated in a lot of sessions with artists such as Peter Schneider, The House Band, JP den Tex, Whitesnake’s Ad van den Berg, Woody and the Sidemen, Jan Rijbroek’s The Loner, Danny Lademacher’s Innersleeve and Narrow Escape. A very outstanding unit in this period was the duo Waterman formed with the American blues&boogie pianist Al Copley, a former member of the Fabulous Thunderbirds and Roomful of Blues. In 1992 Hans Waterman played the bigger concert venues in Holland with Amsterdam School – supporting Crowded House.

From 1986 Waterman was also a member of the legendary Pretty Things. In this historic line-up he played with the original vocalist Phil May and Rolling Stones’ co-founder Dick Taylor. After this group had toured Europe extensively during seven years, Hans Waterman decided to quit the band in August 1994. He wanted to be independent in order to realize a solo project.

In the summer of 1994 Waterman finished a special course at the Rotterdam Music School which certified him to lead workshops and to be a band-coach. At present Waterman is drum-editor for the Dutch magazine Music Maker and the Belgian magazine Stage – has his own copywrite company – and is a free-lance musician. Since 1998 he plays with René and the Alligators – founded in 1959! Hans also played with the Dutch Q65, who had a string of hits in the sixties. The Q65 project broke off in november 2000 because the lead singer – Wim Bieler - suddenly died. This tragic event was one of the reasons for Hans Waterman to sit down and write Drumsolo an auto-biography about his years behind the drums. This illustrated book has been published in Holland by LJ Veen – ISBN 9020400827.

Amsterdam June 2001













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